Theatre education

Theatre education activities at Stadttheater Minden

With our practical mediation approaches, we aim to ignite the theatrical spark in the youngest members of our community, the young and the young at heart, to convey an understanding of theatre as a living, approachable medium and to keep it alive in Minden and the surrounding area for years to come. In doing so, we are not only contributing to the local cultural education, but also extending an invitation to all of you to join us for many great afternoons and evenings at the theatre and to take part in our jam-packed and diverse programme. Our goals with theatre mediation at Stadttheater are to give everyone an opportunity to participate in culture, awaken curiosity, break down barriers, foster acceptance and inspire active play.

... our program

Theater for young people, children’s theater

Hands-on theatre

Acting clubs

Each season, we open the stage for our youth clubs. We are thrilled to welcome all amateur actors, budding thespians and anyone who has caught the acting bug or is intent on getting it! For three to four months each season, we work on a theme that we develop into a show, a digital format or a big performance.

  • The@terkids
  • Dramazone Prime
  • Youth club t³

Workshops and guided tours
Each season opens with two weekends dedicated to a play space, a lab in which performers can act their hearts out and indulge or discover their inner scene-stealer. Our plays will take us to all ends of the theatrical universe.

There will also be activities and projects for all ages.
Viola Schneider can share more information with you about the current scheduling.

Viola Schneider - Theaterpädagogin
Viola Schneider

Theatre pedagogue
Phone: +49 571 82839-15

Theatre, kindergarten, school and youth work

Are you attending a play with your class or group? We would be happy to help you prepare or follow up on your visit to the theatre. We also tailor workshops closely to the needs of your group on a wide range of topics, such as job application and team building training, performative/practical introductions to school and A-Level topics, improvisational theatre, rehearsal visits by after school theatre clubs and much more.

The plays are on our website, sorted by age group, in the children’s theatre and youth theatre sections. Looking forward to seeing you at Minden Stadttheater!